Prep/Comp Update

Just as the weather has been warming up, so too has the intensity of the prep/comp training season! Over the past few weeks, we have seen some great performances, including in our first summer baseline test week, with Axel Klomparens setting team records in both the 3000m and the Hagen running time trials. Many other athletes set personal records and had great performances, which is unexpected for June. However, since the June test week takes place at the beginning of the training season, it is not indicative of where the athletes will be in the Winter.

With the start of the summer and the training season, we have also started doing our weekly mountain runs. For our inaugural run last week we went all the way to the top of the tram at Teton Village! The boys even scored an auxiliary ascent of Cody along the ridge to the south. It was an awesome start to our adventures in the mountains for the summer. Much fun was had by all, especially by all the skiers who got waffles at the end of the day!

Another new aspect of this year's training is that we are adding summer rollerskiing practice for middle school-aged Junior athletes who are in 8th grade, and we have some college-aged postgraduate athletes training with us this summer! This swells our ranks to over 20 athletes training with us on any given day this summer, and it also raises the level of everybody involved. Juniors can look up to Prep/Comp athletes, Prep/Comp athletes can look up to PG athletes, and the cycle continues! Look for more profiles of Junior and PG athletes coming later this summer!
Summer Adventure Bingo Challenge
Staying active throughout the year is a huge part of the Nordic spirit, and while the older athletes are hard at work training, the younger athletes can have some fun as well! This summer we are stoked to announce the first annual Summer Nordic Adventure Bingo Challenge! The Nordic coaches have brainstormed a variety of activities to keep our athletes strong and moving throughout the summer months. Rules of play and instructions are noted on the bingo sheet. Once you have completed a bingo, log your activity here if you are a Lollipopper or a Teewinot or here if you are a Devo or a Junior. Parents, please help younger student athletes with the Google Form log as needed.
Photos (and costumes!) are encouraged—we would love to see you in action. There will be cool prizes awarded for bingos plus an end-of-summer raffle and grand prizes for athletes who complete every square on their bingo card.
Should you have any questions, please email Teewinot Head Coach Libby Hall at Keep moving and have fun this summer - see you on the trails!