We are skiing!!!
After long summer and fall with dryland and skiing in Colorado we are finally skiing at JHMR and Snow King. Conditions are incredible!!
Now we will pay attention to fundamentals and we will gradually move into training gates.
After long summer and fall with dryland and skiing in Colorado we are finally skiing at JHMR and Snow King. Conditions are incredible!!
Now we will pay attention to fundamentals and we will gradually move into training gates.
It looks like on a second week in November we will have great temperatures for snow making. We need 7-10 days of good temperatures to make enough snow to open for training. We are hoping that we could be training at Snow King right around Thanksgiving.
What a great season we were having. Unfortunately it came to abrupt stop.
January went off without a hitch! We had athletes racing all over the West Coast, Canada and Europe. Lots of podiums and big smiles.
We had younger groups skiing Club Series events at Snow King and Grand Targhee.
After long Fall that many our athletes spend in Colorado all nearby ski resorts are open and we are all on snow training gates at Snow King and free skiing at JHMR.