
01/31/2023 - 7:57am

For the next couple of newsletters, we will be highlighting athletes and showcasing their own write ups of the month.  

This month we have Niamh Keating, telling us about the team's annual Montana Hut Trip. Thank you Niamh!

12/27/2022 - 12:10pm

The Backcountry Program is up and running!  The 4-month team officially kicked off the season at Snow King on December 1st. We have a big team this year with 20 athletes. Every member puts in hard work at practice twice a week after school, skinning up Snow King and working on touring skills.

07/29/2022 - 11:35am

Registration opens August 1st!

04/11/2022 - 11:51am
02/28/2022 - 3:06pm

The Backcountry Program has been up to some fun!  Both the mini mountaineers and 4 month program are in full swing.  This means 30 kids are skiing up snow king on Thursdays!  All of the training at Snow King has really paid off.

02/01/2022 - 3:43pm

A big highlight of January was the backcountry program's first ever trip!  We headed as a group to a backcountry ski lodge in the Bitterroot mountains of Montana.  The hut is called Downing Mountain Lodge, and it is far different from a typical "yurt"!

01/03/2022 - 5:41pm

December was the official start of our program!  The dry start to the winter was no problem for our program.  We got to brush up on some of our skills like map reading, working on our equipment, and hiked up to the top of Snow King a couple of times.

12/05/2021 - 3:54pm

Our season officially kicked off this week!  We have a great crew of 15 athletes in the 4 month program.  There is no snow to skin up snow king yet but the athletes are spending time dialing in their equipment, training with their beacons, and getting to know each other.

11/02/2021 - 5:33pm

The JHSC Backcountry Program continues to grow.  We are up to 30 athletes this season split between the Mini Mountaineers and 4-month program.  Official start date is December 2 for the 4-month and Feb 3 for the Minis.  With a larger group, we are excited to be offering a more robust program.


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